Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Lights. Camera. Action.

First assemble your tools, then begin. The tools for this journey include lights, camera and microphone. That's because I'm going to be making a documentary film along the way. A film about stories, as it were.

For the last few weeks I have been researching types of camera and their qualities and costs. At last I have settled on the Sony Z1E, found one for sale second hand, agreed a price and on Sunday I'll be going down to London to pick it up.

With that out of the way I can start to think about the task ahead. What will I find when I visit reading groups around the region? Will the stories people have to tell me offer any answers? Will I find out why people seem to need stories?

A small, anxious voice in the back of my head is saying "What if people just say their favourite story is East Enders, and can't or won't articulate the reason? I won't have much of a documentary." And yet, I don't think that is going to happen. Most people have a story to tell.

We will see...


Yehudi said...

Sounds exciting! What will you do with the final product? What are your ambitions? I really enjoy your blog and look forward to reading your latest!

Rod Duncan said...

Thanks for the encoraging comment. The first outlet for the end product is likely to be a DVD that will be circulated around libraries in the region.

There may be more exposure than that - but nothing is yet fixed. I'll post more on that later, I'm sure.